In a heartwarming display of festive cheer and theatrical talent, students at Omaha North High School recently took center stage to present a spirited rendition of the holiday film "Elf." The lead role...
Mica Apel, Opinion and Entertainment Writer
• November 9, 2023
On Tuesday, October 3rd, 2023, the American Government was rocked to its core by one landslide decision. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy was voted out of office in an unprecedented vote of 216-210. While...
This year's North High prom was found at the Harper Center Ballroom at Creighton University, and the theme was a Gala at Monte Carlo. Many students were able to go but North implemented rules that prevented...
Syd Wakefield, Sports and Features writer
• May 4, 2023
Throughout history, many countries have been targeting minorities. Whether it’s a hatred of race or ideology, the little guy is always picked on. This can not be more true than in cases such ask the...
Zoe Law, Opinion and Entertainment writer
• April 11, 2023
The Omaha Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium took the first-place spots in the 2023 USA TODAY 10 Best Zoo, Asian Highlands as the Best Zoo Exhibit, and Lee G. Simmons Wildlife Safari Park as the Best Safari...
Legislative Bill 753 (LB 753), named the “Opportunity Scholarships Act,” is a proposal sponsored by Nebraska State Senator Lou Ann Linehan.
This bill would set aside up to $25 million in tax credits...
When I was growing up, there was always one thing that was fully stocked in my house no matter what. Mac and cheese.
Obviously, when it comes to mac and cheese, my heart is set on Kraft. Due to it being...
Sara Popken, Opinion and Entertainment editor
• February 24, 2023
Everybody has met a picky eater in their life. Somebody who refuses a salad because of tomatoes, or somebody who mandates that their sandwich be prepared in a specific order. Most picky eating is harmless,...
Standardized testing is unnecessary and can ultimately be very harmful to a student’s self- esteem.
Even at the national level, researchers have found evidence that standardized test scores,...
Omaha Public Schools proposes district wide name changes
Omaha North High School opened its doors in 1924, becoming the third high school in Omaha Public Schools (OPS).
For many years our school...
Sara Popken, Opinion and Entertainment editor
• November 28, 2022
Netflix recently released a new documentary series on September 21, 2022, titled “Dahmer-Monster: The Jeffery Dahmer Story,” which is a biographical crime drama created by Ryan Murphy and Ian Brennan.
School is one of those things that most can agree wears them out by the end of the week. I have stacks of homework every night, I am constantly tired and I have no time to pursue my hobbies. This is because...