High school sweethearts are one of the most unique types of love stories because they grow up together. It is interesting how some couples meet and establish feelings of love throughout their early years of life.
High school sweethearts share the highs and lows of high school and create lasting memories. They seem to grow together eventually becoming each other’s foundation.
When they first meet during their awkward teenage years there are many things that can happen. They form a bond based on mutual trust, friendship, and common experiences, according to Saveourschoolsmarch.org.
Their love grows stronger after high school because they know each other so well. Also they are much older, so they are more mature.
Many people do not believe in high school love, but being in a high school relationship when you are young can also help develop skills of time management. It helps balance your love life and outside your love life, so it gives you the skill to be able to balance stiff though out the relationship equally.
It is not often known for high school sweethearts making it out of high school and getting married. There is only a 25% chance of high school sweethearts getting married.
English teacher, Morgan Husmann is one of the people breaking the odds.
Husmann met her boyfriend around the age of five after they lived right next door to each other growing up. They then started dating in their sophomore year of high school.
“We met when we were really little,” Husman said.
Hussman and her partner started out as good friends and then they got to know each other better. She soon realized that they would make a good couple.
Husmann never saw herself having a high school sweetheart, because they went to two separate colleges. But their communication was strong, and they got through it.
“We were going to two separate colleges,” Husman said. “I thought we were not going to make it.”
Going to separate colleges made it harder for the couple to see and spend time with each other.
“We pretty much just saw each other on the weekends, so that was kind of difficult,” Husmann said.
After they made it through college Hussman thoughts on high school sweethearts changed. She then started to believe in them.
“It is true now, we are together now,” Husmann said.
Even though it was hard, Husmann and her boyfriend made it.
“Being together through this the communication has to be really strong,” Husmann said.
Husmann’s story shows high school sweethearts are not just a theory and can really happen. All you have to do is really want it and work together to make it happen, according to Saveourschoolsmarch.org.