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North High Schools girls wrestling huddles after a win against Burke High School on December 5, 2023. The girls won 60-12.
North High Schools girls wrestling huddles after a win against Burke High School on December 5, 2023. The girls won 60-12.
Steven Kirchner

Girls, boys wrestling parts ways

North High’s boys and girls wrestling team have always practiced together up until the 2023 season when the team parted ways.

Head coach Danial Carlson of the boys’ team says after two years, it was about time.

‘’Our numbers were growing to the rate where running it all as one program was not going to beneficial to the girls or boys’ team,’’ said Carlson.

Just this year there are 35 boys and 15 girls.

Carlson says that giving up the girls’ team was not an easy decision.

“Seeing these ladies grow and learn the sport of wrestling and challenging myself in a different area than before has been rewarding to my career,” said Carlson.

Carlson also says that there are positives to the change. Due to the cut, his workload has significantly dropped. This allows for more focus on one team.

“Having separate coaching staff to just focus on one team is going to be beneficial,” said Carlson. “The end result will be better for both teams.’’

Greg Moore,11, wrestles for the boys’ team and has been for three years. Moore started wrestling when he was three and began competing when he was five.

“I have been around wrestling my whole life,” said Moore.

Moore says the separation is something he is going to have to get used to.

“I have adapted to practicing with them,” said Moore.

However, he is ready to get into full swing of things with the boys.

“I wish good luck to both teams,’’said Moore.

Nalaya Dortch, 9, wrestles for the girls’ team. She started wrestling in seventh grade. Dortch agrees that the separation was better for the teams.

“I feel like it gives the girls more room to focus,” said Dortch.

Dortch says that the team is going to do good this season.

“We have a pretty good team,” said Dortch.

Head coach Steven Kirchner of the girls team also says that the separation gives the girls more room.

“I am excited for the girls to get more space to grow their team,” said Kirchner.

Besides all changes as far and space and focus, Carlson says there was a change in standard.

“We are enforcing a higher standard in the classroom and in wrestling,’’ said Carlson’’ the wrestlers are responding to it well.’’

According to Carlson, the coaching staff and the wrestlers are optimistic about the upcoming season.

“It will be fun watching the wrestlers learn and grow this year,” said Carlson.


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About the Contributor
Tatyanna Estwick
Tatyanna Estwick, Feature and Sports Writer
My name is Tatyanna, I am a senior and I am excited to work in section A again (feature/ sports). A fun fact about me Is that this is my second year in newspaper.