We’re more than just “that bass”

Madi Pohlman, Editor-in-Cheif

You’ve probably caught yourself singing along to Meghan Trainor’s “All about that bass” recently. I’ll admit, it is a catchy song and it has a strong message about embracing your size and loving yourself.

If you’re fat.

If you’re just another one of those “skinny (expletive)” you’re “too skinny” for any real guy to love because, as Trainor puts it, “boys like a little more booty to hold at night.”

This song is doing the very thing that Trainor is saying is wrong. She wants all girls to love themselves but, especially seen in the video, she is shamming skinny girls.

Trainor’s music video with the bright pastel colors and the little innocent girl feel to it depicts herself and several other women dancing around singing her song and having a great time.

But the part that ruins Trainors video is the “stick figure silicone Barbie doll”, a tall skinny girl with dark brown hair dressed in some sort of plastic dress. She gets bumped around by all the other girls and even the vine famous Sione Maraschino.

This scene emphasizes that no one wants her because she’s too skinny. She’s too “fake”.

When I first heard the verse, “We see the magazines working that photoshop. We know that stuff aint real, come on make it stop” I thought it was about making healthy average looking girls look skinnier than they were. After watching the video though, that’s the exact opposite of what the lyrics meant.

There is the Barbie doll girl before and after photoshop and the after picture is her with more curves, bigger breasts and wider hips.

So, instead of the message being “you don’t need to try to be any skinnier you’re perfect”, it’s now “stop trying to look like me and the curvier girls, we know that’s not what you really look like and you need to stop trying to look like us, it’ll never happen” in a kind of rude and “I’m better than you haha” way.

I think Trainors main goal was to teach all girls that we should love who we are and all be in this together and supporting and loving each other. Not trying to change each other, but I don’t think it comes off the right way.

One of the verses in the song goes, “I’m bringing booty back. Go ahead and tell them skinny (expletive) that. No I’m just playing. I know you think you’re fat. But I’m here to tell ya every inch of you is perfect from the bottom to the top.”

She makes the point that she is better than the skinny girls, but then she plays it off like it’s just a joke. She assumes they think they’re fat (because all skinny girls think they’re fat, right?) and says that they’re really perfect in every way.

If Trainor had left this verse out of her song she would’ve lost a few seconds in length and may have had to adjust or think of new words, but I think it would have made her message even more powerful for all girls of all body types.

By even bringing up that some guys don’t want a girl who is too skinny and she doesn’t want anything to do with any guy that does love a skinny girl Trainor contradicts her message that all girls are perfect.

In a world that is hard enough for girls, we need to stick together and not tear each other down over something that is as materialistic as weight.

Almost just as bad as the skinny shaming going on in the song is the idea that in order for a girl to be happy a man has to love them.

Why does it matter what a guy thinks about my booty? Guys may like a little more booty to hold at night, but if that’s all they care about then they don’t deserve me because I, and every other girl out there, have more to offer than “all the right junk in all the right places.”

The ever so impressionable teenage girls of society today see the magazines and commercials and the billboards with the girls that are size zero with the tall skinny legs and are told that this is what beauty looks like and what they should strive to look like.

Then they hear this song and think that if they don’t have gorgeous curves no man will love them.

“There’s a stigma attached to what is acceptable and what is not and media can be a positive and a negative. It gives young women mixed signals,” said counselor Liliane Jamal.

Jamal feels that people don’t really listen to the words of songs and the deeper meanings behind the messages that they see. People don’t think about the affects the things they say have on people.

“It seems to be okay for people to make fun of a naturally skinny or athletic girl because she’s ‘anorexic’ and ‘doesn’t eat’. But not as many people would say a bigger girl eats too much or is fat to her face,” Jamal said.

So, why aren’t we teaching girls that they are beautiful just the way they are? That they are beautiful in the skin that makes them happy, no matter what that looks like to the rest of the world or some guy.

Natty Valencia has made a parody of this song that would’ve been better lyrics for this message than what has actually been sung across the radio waves of America.

Valencia starts off her video saying that Trainors lyrics are more focused on getting a guy’s attention and having the body that everyone else is going to love instead of loving who you already are no matter what other people think. She then goes on to sing her version of the song.

She calls it “Not about your waist”.

My speakers filled with, “It’s not about your waist about your waist don’t settle for a guy who has no taste,” and I was instantly happy.

“Yeah it’s pretty clear I am a size two, but I can shake it shake it and girl you can too.” Finally, someone else who realizes that we should be coming to together and that every girl is beautiful in her own way.

Next, the best line in the whole song, “My momma she told me don’t worry about your size. She said love the skin that you’re in, girl you can shine so bright. No I won’t be no fake plastic fantasy on TV. So, if that’s what you’re into then you don’t deserve me.”

This is what a mother should be telling her young daughter. This is what every girl should be believing and knowing- that they are beautiful in every single way, no matter what, and that any guy who tries to tell them differently doesn’t deserve anything that they have to offer at all.

Although they are a little cheesy, I think that Valencia’s lyrics should be the ones stuck in everyone’s head.