Shooting causes Haynes to make a quick decision

September 26, 2014

An after school shooting a block away from Omaha North High Magnet School made parents and students wonder why no lock down was announced. “I was worried about my [daughter] Lee, I’m just glad everything was taken care of and she’s safe,” said Andrea Stanton, parent of freshman Aaleyah Chamberlain.

Principal Gene Haynes said he received some calls from parents the following day that wondered why the school didn’t lock down. The shooting happened August 29 around 3:40 p.m.

The crime scene was on 36th Ave and stretched down to 31st Ames. Officer Darrelle Bonam said the Omaha Police Department still does not know why the shooting took place, but it is still under investigation.

Some staff, students, and parents were at the school when the shooting happened. Students who were inside for Drama, French Club, or other after-school activities said they didn’t hear anything and didn’t even know a shooting was happening.

In contrast, athletes and coaches on the field could hear sirens from the police. Over the sound of whistles blowing and football players hitting the pads not every athlete heard the gunshots.

“I heard seven gunshots, then four more,” Megan Belongia, sophomore, cross country runner said. Belongia said she didn’t feel in danger; but she did find the shooting interesting and wanted to go home and tell her mom.

With a shooting just a little over a block away from the school students and parents wonder why no lock down was set into affect. Haynes said things were handled differently since school had been out for 55 minutes.

“Safety is the number one thing we were looking at, we based our decision off that” Haynes stressed.

Students who were out front waiting for their rides were directed into the building. Parents who were in the parking lot were invited in the school.

Some parents chose to stay in their cars though because they were hesitant to get out and felt safer where they were said Haynes.

For the athletes on the field Haynes had to make a quick decision whether to bring them in or not. By the time the people in the front were safe and Haynes made it down to the field the situation was already over.

Whenever a situation concerning safety happens the school is always required to send out an electronic media message to all parents.

The automated message gives a brief description of what happened so parents can feel more informed. The night of August 29, 2014 all parents or guardians got the message sent to them informing them of the shooting.


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Photo of Mirella Warner
Mirella Warner, Section B Manager

I'm a junior. I'm an aspiring journalist. I have 3 years experience in learning German. I want to write for a newspaper in Germany. I'm currently in Poetry...

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