Fashion around North goes to new heights
Sofia Acosta, Hannah Dysico, and Braylan Mosley pose for a photo. All three modeled Keoni Anding’s clothing in Omaha Fashion Week. PHOTO COURTESY OF KEONI ANDING
March 10, 2023
Omaha Fashion Week is a local fashion show out of Omaha, Nebraska. Among the many talented teens and adults competing, a few familiar faces of North High School students were also included in the mix.
Keoni Anding, 12, created his own fashion pieces to be included in the show. Anding has been creating his own clothing designs since second grade. As popular clothing designs changed, he changed with them when he left the fashion scene for a bit and focused on architecture.
Anding did a summer fashion mentorship program called Fashion Arts, and became a member of the Kent Bellows Mentorship Program, where he learned more about the tools at his disposal to create clothing items. Once he learned more about creating, he was nominated for Omaha Fashion Week.
“[Fashion Week] felt very stressful and I really didn’t know what was going on most of the time,” says Anding.
Anding says he really enjoyed not only creating his own pieces, but being in an environment where he was able to watch other creators making their designs.
Sabrina Sagitteh, 12, performed as a model in a separate section of Omaha Fashion Week called Afromaha. She began modeling in seventh grade after she completed a modeling training program.

Afromaha is a fashion show that features all African clothing designs. Afromaha has been functioning for five years working with and around Omaha Fashion Week.
“I like to get dressed up, I like to do makeup, and I’m confident so that was what I liked about [Afromaha]” says Sagitteh.
If students are looking for something closer to home, however, North High Schools Fashion Club is up and running. Sponsored by Hayley Urwin in room 210, as well as led by President AlayViona Burnside, 10.
Burnside, who first had the idea of creating a Fashion Club, says she wanted to create it as a safe environment for North students interested in fashion design.
Wednesday, March 8 was the club’s first official meeting where members were starting on group projects.
As March 8 was the group’s first official meeting, it was mainly about gathering resources and seeing where people wanted to take their individual projects.
Burnside hopes that eventually, the club will become more involved in the fashion community throughout Omaha. Perhaps by going to competitions involving other schools, and their respective fashion clubs, they can achieve this.